
One of our founders experienced profound loss when she was 16 years old, as she grieved for her friend, Marjorie,* who was killed in a car accident. This is her telling of that experience, which we believe will help you understand who we are and what we believe in:

I was struggling to process what happened to Marjorie for a long time after she died in the crash. Marjorie didn't break any laws - her car simply collided with a deer that suddenly leapt in front of her vehicle. There was no reason I could ascribe to why she died. I wanted to force the passage of time to lessen the pain, but I couldn't. I was overcome with feelings of restlessness and a burning desire to take action.

I decided that the only way to move forward was to create meaning around Marjorie’s death and to make that meaning a part of her legacy. In this way, I committed to helping her change the world in a way I believe she would have wanted.

As her close friend, I was asked to give the eulogy at her funeral. Though I anticipated being nervous speaking in front of our entire school and community, I’d never felt so calm. What are anxious feelings around a speech compared to Marjorie’s life? If only her worries then could have been so simple.

I decided for my eulogy that I wasn't just going to share stories about Marjorie. I asked everyone in the service to take a vow with me in order to create meaning around Marjorie’s death. I implored all who loved her to commit to safety around driving no matter their excuses otherwise. I had them pledge to always wear their seat belts, even if they were driving only for a short time, and to respect speed limits, regardless of their desires otherwise.

For every person who was safer because of what happened to Marjorie, and for every person who subsequently learned good lessons and habits from them, we were able to create meaning out of what happened to Marjorie and to create a legacy for her. We’d all rather have had her alive and with us, but while she was alive she was a positive force in the lives of her friends and family, and in this way, she was able to continue creating a positive impact.

Now we at Seat Belt Extender Pros ask you to do the same: wear your seat belt, keep the speed limit, drive safely. Commit to vehicular safety for you, for your loved ones, for the people in your community. Remind yourself how precious life is and that you have the power to protect it - it's in your choices every day. Help us continue to spread Marjorie’s legacy.

*Marjorie’s name has been changed to protect her identity.



We promote safety and comfort by supplying the world's highest quality and widest variety of seat belt extenders. This allows us to connect people around the world to relief and joy by removing obstacles to buckling up. 


Seat Belt Extender Pros proudly serves those who can't otherwise buckle up, including plus-sized people, law enforcement officers, the elderly and mobility impaired, limousine, taxi, ride share and non-emergency medical transportation passengers and many others.


We believe that everyone, no matter the shape, size or condition of their body, deserves to drive and ride in safety and comfort. We take pride in our products, our customers, and our commitment to them. We work hard every day to earn your business, because our number one priority is you.